Look For Sunshine in 2021

By Carleton Varney- Special to the Pam Beach Daily News
Yes, 2021 is here! Everyone was awaiting its arrival, bye-bye 2020 when the world went into a quiet, distant time. Covid, Covid, Covid was on everyone’s mind and lockdowns and quarantines happened all over the world. But look for sunshine in 2021. Yes, the vaccines have arrived and the look into the future is a happy one. I cannot wait to see my yellow daffodils bloom in springtime and my color focus for the new year is bright, happy yellow.
If you are thinking of painting your bedroom or living room or any room in your home this new year, think marigold yellow, lemon chiffon, or Charlottesville gold from Fine Paints of Europe. Or look at the yellow color range from Benjamin Moore or Sherwin Williams. So many companies to choose from! Locate a yellow you like and begin setting a background of happy, happy. This is the time that so many color and paint companies offer their color choices for 2021.
I just got word that Pantone has picked “Illuminating” a bold yellow as color of the year! Along with the yellow is a natural grey. As you all know by now, I am not a grey decorator. I choose not to like automobiles that offer “cement” as a color choice for their motor cars. Be that as it may, all of us have different color preferences. I am going to offer a suggestion or two decorating-wise to use Pantone’s Illuminating yellow with grey in a living room.
Begin by painting all the walls Illuminating yellow and all the trim white. Paint your ceiling the softest sky blue you can find. At the windows hang plantation shutters painted grey and make sure the shutter knobs are bright shiny brass. Upholster your sofa in grey velvet and accent it with big cushions of gold, sky blue, and grey plaid or stripe. Add a sofa cushion also of tangy sunshine mandarin orange and cover club chairs in the room in the colorful plaid as well.
On a pair of draped end tables select an Illuminating yellow silk with a fringe of the grey and black and on the draped tables place ebony black ceramic lamps. Keep the brass shinning in your room with a coffee table of brass with a glass top. Accent the glass top with a pair of silver candlestick and a pot or two of the current flower in bloom. You’ll have to select a rug to sit on top of your polished white bleached wooden floor. My suggestion would be a grey and white 9x12 zebra rug!
The sunshine fabric you select be it a stripe, a floral or a geometric should include the colors of the year, Illuminating yellow and grey with added touches of white and my favorite sky blue. There is always a way to make grey so often a sad color, come alive with sky blue, mandarin orange, and gold.
Welcome to 2021, when the world can look forward to sunshine again. Happy New Year!
Lana Rae Higgins on
I agree with you. I don’t do gray of any shade.
You refer to it as “cement” and I always call it
dead mouse. I am not fond of cars, clothes or walls
or carpet that are gray. It has been at the forefront
of decorating for years now and I am more than
ready for a change. -
Gaye Morrison on
Dear Carlton, I have many of your beautiful complete bed sets. I love your patterns and colors. Happy New Year!!!
Are there rugs that aren’t green?