The Rocking Chair is Always in Style

By Carleton Varney- Special to the Palm Beach Daily News
Now that many of us have rocked around the Christmas tree, we can keep rocking — and relaxing — in our rocking chairs.
Decorating trends may come and go, but the rocking chair — on porches, family rooms and, of course, nurseries — is here to stay.
No matter what furniture catalog you flip through, you’ll surely find a rocking chair or two — or three.
I recently ordered two rocking chairs to place on my Palm Beach terrace overlooking the Intracoastal Waterway. Now, I am not talking about the straight-backed rockers with wicker seats of the style made famous by President John F. Kennedy, who used one in the Oval Office because it helped relieve his chronic back pain.
Instead, I’m talking about a rocker with a rounded back and, perhaps, an upholstered seat — a handsome piece of furniture that can be used indoors or out.
And I am looking forward to using my rockers when they arrive. After the holiday rush, I have decided I am staying put. No navigating airports or being pushed and shoved on planes for me. It will be just home sweet home in Palm Beach — and a rocker sounds like a perfect place to enjoy breezy evenings watching the sun set over the water.
I believe comfortable seating is absolutely critical when it comes to decorating. I am all about pillows and cushions. I have ordered cushions to go with my new rockers, and I am looking forward to trying them out.
You would be surprised how often people choose appearance over comfort when buying furniture, as odd as that may sound. However beautiful rooms may be, they should be used and enjoyed.
Does your living room need to be comfortized? (Did I just invent a word? I have not heard it before.) Make it a comfortable place to be. Otherwise, it might as well be cordoned off by a silk rope.
And now that you’re thinking about enjoyment and comfort, ask yourself: Could I use a rocker somewhere in my home? Perhaps on the loggia — or maybe in the bedroom. Consider adding one in a happy bedroom color, such as peach or aqua blue or soft apple green. Or if you want a simple classic, go for white wicker.
Shops in the Palm Beach area are filled with wicker pieces, from chests to tables to headboards — some vintage, some brand new — and I have seen wicker rockers while on shopping missions. There are so many treasures to find in the stores along West Palm Beach’s Antique Row on South Dixie Highway. I think they offer some of the best variety of objects and furniture to be found in America.
With the dawn of 2022, perhaps it’s time for a little relaxation, and a well-built, comfortable rocker may be just what you didn’t realize you needed.
Happy New Year!
- Tags: antique row carleton varney chairs comfort palm beach rocking chair seating vintage wicker wicker furniture
1 comment
Isabel moore onCarlton, are you considering designing a rocking chair and offering it for sale at your shop at the Greenbrier? Maybe this spring or fall! Isabel moore