Wedding-inspired color scheme would be a blushing success

By Carleton Varney Special to the Palm Beach Daily News:
I discussed wedding gifts in this spot a couple of weeks ago, but it’s still June — the traditional month for brides and grooms — and there is always more to say.
Many who are preparing to walk the aisle have been busy selecting the color scheme for bridesmaid dresses, flowers and the wedding reception or dinner, from the tablecloths to the napkins to the parting gifts for guests.
I was speaking recently to wedding planners at The Greenbrier, the resort in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, that has been decorated for decades by my firm, Dorothy Draper & Co. The Greenbrier’s nuptial experts echoed what other wedding planners have told me: The most popular wedding color these days is blush.
Blush is the lightest of light pinks, inching as close to white as you can imagine. It is a delicate color but also a glamorous one.
- Tags: blush flowers greenbrier light pink pink rose blush roses wedding wedding gifts wedding planning